Monday, 29 September 2014

The Broken Calculator

Hello Year 3 here is the broken calculator - can you find a way to make 3, 7 and/or 10?

remember that you can only use the buttons that are green!

Good luck

By Mr. Bennett

Thursday, 25 September 2014

It's Chico Time pt 2!!!

Another exciting installment of Chico's interviews

It's Chico Time!!! pt1

There was great excitement this week when Chico the Brave stopped in our classroom for a visit - here you can see his interview.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Future me...

Hello Year 3, This week for art week we have been thinking all about the future, I would like you to predict your own future! In 20 years time so when you are about as old as me!
What will you be doing?
What will the Earth be like?
Where will we live?
What will we drive?
what will we wear?

Mr Bennett