Tuesday 28 January 2014

Giant Panda - report

Hello Year 3 to help us with the work we have been doing on reports, read this report about Pandas and then talk about the features of a report it has.


The Giant Panda



The Giant Panda originates from all over Asia but mostly China. The scientific name for a Giant Panda is (Ailorupoda Melanoleuca). The Giant Panda is a Mammal which means it’s warm-blooded, it is also a omnivore which means it eats both vegetables and meat .Average life span for a Giant Panda in the wild is up to 20 years. There are only about 1,000 Pandas left in the wild and perhaps 100 Pandas live in a zoo!.




The Giant Panda is about 1.2-1.5 meters in length and weighs 300lb (136kg). They have a thick coat of black and white hair and are probably one of the most recognizable animals with a white body and head. After the Sloth Bear the Giant Panda has the longest tail in the Bear family measuring at 4-6 inches long.




Wild Giant Panda’s diet is almost exclusively (99%) bamboo. The balance consists of other grasses and occasional small rodents or musk deer fawns. In zoos, Giant Pandas eat bamboo, sugar cane, rich gruel, a special high-fiber biscuit, carrots, apples and sweet potatoes.




Giant Pandas are found only  in the bamboo forests in the mountains of central Peoples Republic of China, including the provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi, and Sichuan. Pandas are usually found in the mountains at about 3000 meters above sea level. In the winter they sometimes make their way down to about 800 meters. They do not make a permanent den, but take shelter in any suitable cavity in trees or rock crevices. They do not hibernate, but instead come down to lower elevations where it is warmer and more food is available. Pandas live mainly on the ground, but are able to climb. They feed mainly on bamboo, but also eat other plants and small animals.



Giant pandas sleep hidden away inside caves and dens which may be a hollow at the bottom of a large tree trunk.

Giant Pandas are solitary animals; they spend their lives alone, except during mating seasons or when females rear their young. Giant Pandas live in well defined territories.

Giant pandas will urinate or scent mark on trees to warn others of their presence in the territory. They will also vocalize, producing sounds such as roaring or bleating (a similar to that of a domestic goat), to convey to the others their intentions. Panda cubs produce high pitched wailing to attract their mothers' attention for care and nursing. Giant Pandas are very vocal during mating seasons to attract each other. The females will produce sounds that are not heard at other time of the year.

Over all the species of a Giant Panda is an endangered creature.


  1. It has a heding.
    It has lots of subhedings like bihevior and habitat.
    It has 3 picturs.
    It dos not have diagrams.
    It dos not hav labels.
    It dosent have captions.
    It dosent have opinions.
    It dose have Technical words like ailorupoda melanoleuca.
    He used paregrafs.
    He did not use the sam sentensis avery time.
    He did not use ,i,we,and,think

  2. 1. this report has a heading

    2. this report has subhedings

    3. this report has pictures

    4.this report has lots of facts

    5. this report has technicals words

    6. this report has paragraphs
    7. this report has varied sentence

    i like this report so much and i learned so much from this report

  3. I undursu wat he rightid.

  4. It has a heading and that is the giant panda.the report has subheadings for example:Habitat or diet.It has 3 pictures of pandas.That doesn't have any diagrams.It also doesn't have any labels.Also no captions.It has only facts, no opinions.That report has quiet much technical words.It has so much paragraphs that I can't do that.It has loads of different sentence beginners.It doesn't have words like "I" "we" and "think".

    I liked this report very much Matthew.

  5. 1.You are a good boy you have heading because if you will not have a headings no one will no what your roport is about.
    2.Good you have a subheading.
    3.You have pictures of pandas.
    4. You dont have diagrams but that doesent mater.
    5. You dont have any lables you dont need them.
    6.You dont have captions.

  6. It has a heading like The giant panda.
    It has a subheading
    It has pictures.
    It doesn't have diag rams.
    It doesn't have labels.
    It doesn't have captions.

  7. Your subheadings were super.
    The heading is pretty good .
    The pictures were super.

  8. a great heding epic yes
    lots of intresting subhedings yes
    all difrent pictures
    lots and lots diagrams yes
    labeles no
    captions no
    facts not opinions yes

  9. This is fantastik loc of sub hedings it is super fantastik
    I just laikit I dont just liket I luvit nais report its veri veri gud I luvit
    nice daigrams it is fantastik it is not just fantastik it is
    super fantastik loc off sub hedings

  10. The report has a heading and subheadings. And, it has pictures. But, there are no diagrams, captions or labels. It has facts, but no opinions.
    But, the report doesn't have any facts for endangered creature.
