Friday 19 September 2014

Future me...

Hello Year 3, This week for art week we have been thinking all about the future, I would like you to predict your own future! In 20 years time so when you are about as old as me!
What will you be doing?
What will the Earth be like?
Where will we live?
What will we drive?
what will we wear?

Mr Bennett


  1. In 20 years time, I will be a doctor or any kind of teacher.I will probaly live in Dublin.That's the main city in Ireland.In the future I wil have 7 kids

  2. hello!!! when it is 20years I will go to thous korea and I will meat my turtle friends
    and I will be korea of the qeen.
    And I will drive the car,I will have a big house.

  3. I will liv in a house Ander water. I will have

  4. Auer world will be like a strange alien planet. In 20 years I will in Prague drive a future double car. We are going to eat monsters with spaghetti.

  5. 20years will be war.I will live in czech. I will work with parents.
