Thursday 6 March 2014

Questions of the week - Episode 1

Hello Year 3 here we have our first questions of the week answer as many as you wish - points and prizes to the best answers

This week all of our questions have a volcanic theme!

1) Do volcanoes explode in the winter? (Ishan came up with this question)
2) Are there volcanoes on other planets? (A great question from Amir)
3) If a gigantic exploding volcano was an animal! - Which animal would it be and why? (Mr. Bennett's question)



  1. 1/ Volcanoes can explode in winter, I found that they erupt even more in winter but I do not know why.
    2/ Yes for example they are on Mars.
    3/ I would choose a dragon becases he is very big as volcanoes and also fire comes from dragon´s mouths as lava from the volacano.

  2. 1. I think they can, because it is not important temperature outside , because volcanoes are very worm from the deep part of the Earth. For example Fuji in Japan.
    2. yes there are! When is full moon and good weather you can see it from your balcony.
    3. It can be a tiger, because he is orange like a lava or magma, and when he is opening mouth and starting roar this is explosion!

  3. 1) Yes
    2) Yes
    3) A dragon because a gigantic explogen comes fire and from a dragon comes fire as well.

  4. It is a great question from amir and I know the answer and it is that there are volcanoes on different planets and the biggest volcano in the universe is on a different planet and it is on mars and it is called Olympus Mont.

  5. 1.Volcanoes do explode in winter.
    2.There are volcanoes on other planets:on Mars.
    3.If a volcano was an animal it will be a tiger because tigers move quickly and tigers hunt unexpectedly and a volcano does these things.

  6. 1. Yes they do. I found it on this web page -
    2. Yes they are.
    3.A bull because bulls are strong and can kill things.
